putting the j in jjosh

putting the j in jjosh

putting the j in jjosh

a good cosmic feelin

August 18th, 2010

"The Earth together with the Moon, as seen from the Messenger spacecraft to Mercury, May 2010."

[from warrenellis]

Turf it

August 17th, 2010

Nice work kidz, keep making crazy dances up and doing them and blowing people's minds and they don't really understand you but they can't argue with your movez. Keep it up. Apparently this is called turf dancing… [from kottke]

ever since the 80’s I think something’s in my tylenol

August 15th, 2010

so I downloaded that most recent mixtape from the Hood Internet…and it's pretty blah, which is how I feel about most of their stuff…I dunno, maybe the tracks are better if you know all the sample sources, but that's never stopped me before…

but this one track, damn I can't stop playing it over and over! for some reason Maxine hates the dolphin-like synth sounds, which I love, so I can't really play it out loud in the house, but I'm listening to it over and over on the headphones…so many great lyrics…"training all my zeros to perform like a figure 8"…

hood internet – dark pink goo (Aesop Rock feat. Rob Sonic x Tobacco)


Bon Voyage

August 11th, 2010
It's been a great car. It moved us to New York, even though we smashed a window on the day we were driving up. It took us on an epic East Coast tour down into the South, through NC and to Savannah and back. It's been to Vermont, CT, NH, a bunch of times. Driven us to shoots in Brooklyn, Central Park, scouting runs to NJ. Been super reliable. In fact, this may be the first car I've had that didn't break down at some point and leave me stranded on the side of the road! Huge.
It seems a bit of a shame to say good-bye. There are some computer errors in the engine, and the throttle body needs to be replaced and some other things, and it looks like it would cost about $3000 (!!!) to fix (got a second opinion and they agreed). Plus, it feels like we live in one of the few cities in the world where we actually don't need a car.
So today we say good-bye. We're donating it and the tow truck is here now to take it away. I will miss the flexibility of having a car, the ease of getting a ton of groceries, the simplicity of driving my amp over to someone's house. I will not miss having to re-park once or twice a week for the street cleaning. I will not miss having to remember where the heck I parked it this time. I will not miss paying car insurance. I will not miss paying for parking tickets.
Good luck car, we'll see you around.

a certain surgical procedure

August 10th, 2010

hey you guys know that story about GZA being at SxSW and showing up really late for his set and being completely drunk and forgetting lyrics and just generally giving an awful show? did you know it was because he had been partying it up big style with Bill Murray getting wasted in the middle of the day? true!

check the relationship below from JJ's Coffee and Cigarettes, which you don't need to see really…bu this scene is so amazing. The way he cuts to the close-up when BM says "Wu Tang Clan!" And the little augmented "ting" when the tea cups clink…so much fun…"I wouldn't hold my breath on Ghost"…

sometimes our vacation was like this:

August 10th, 2010

a new street art hero emerges

August 10th, 2010

welcome back

August 8th, 2010

it's great to see you. hope you're having a good Monday morning.

realx and let your mind float Friday

August 6th, 2010

Wow, this is epic…I think I got this from Vince? it's a lot to take in, but also very relaxing…nice…


August 4th, 2010

coolest cop ever

August 3rd, 2010

it’s Maxine’s birthday today!

August 2nd, 2010

and yes, we're in the Bahamas. hopefully it's pretty sweet…I'm setting this up beforehand…it's a charming animation about first crushes…really well done…got it from ze frank, who is awesome…

free Swell Season show in Prospect Park!

July 30th, 2010

mad beatz

July 30th, 2010

got this from JeffH and it is a good time. as one commenter says on the vid's page: "my day was going mediocre until I saw this."

Bhangra in the East Village from Derek Beres on Vimeo.


July 28th, 2010

This is great and then at 2:00 in it gets really really great. I loved Caribou's last album, looks like I'll have to check this one out too…

CARIBOU – Sun from Caribou on Vimeo.

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