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putting the j in jjosh

putting the j in jjosh

cleaning cassette

April 8th, 2009

Here’s a couple more of the tape tracks…

This one was recorded by my old suite-mate Pat & I, no clue why or how, but I do remember him doing the lip-flap and thinking it was funny…still do, it sounds like avant-garde idiocy…

Is It Lou Reed?


This is one of the piano tracks I recorded myself. When you recod with a 4-track, it records stereo right and left, and then essentially the stereo right and left of the other side of the tape. That’s where the 4 tracks come from, get it? So if you’re recording 4-track onto an old tape that already has music on it, you have to record over every track, otherwise you can get weird leftover stuff that plays backwards because it’s coming from the other side of the tape. I know, it’s confusing to explain, you kind of have to experience it. I’m only explaining it so you can get a sense of what’s going on in this track. This is a (kind of long) improvisation I recorded (in D minor?) in a practice room. I’m pretty sure it was meant to be straight, with no overdubs or anything, much like that first track I posted last week. But when it came time to mix it down, I was on acid.

I remember at the time I was really impressed with myself, I thought it sounded like some kind of heavenly choir, or other-worldly voices were mixed in there and I was sort of amazed that this is what I had recorded. That night, still on acid, I played it for Jack’s roomate and his friend (who were both on acid as well) and it blew their minds. They couldn’t believe I had made this. Hell, I couldn’t believe it either. It was confusing.

The next day I realized what I had done. My piano bit is in there, and then some kind of sped up overdub coming from a stray track that eventually turns into some backwards Led Zeppelin that I was trying to record over on the other side. Also Jack’s 4-track had this built-in reverb which I had cranked up so it does indeed sound otherworldly and odd. It’s almost 6 minutes long, and all kind of clashes together and sounds a bit like a mess to me now. But I bet if you took acid it would sound amazing.

Dirgible Impromptu


This last one I can’t stand, but Jack requested it. I think it’s maybe the second thing I ever wrote with lyrics, and I’m trying to do this spoken word thing, and the lyrics make me cringe terribly and sound very immature to me now. Yuck.



One Response to “cleaning cassette”

  1. comment number 1 by: Jack

    Aww-rite! Tilt-a-whirl! Keep these comin’.

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