putting the j in jjosh » Blog Archive » underground

putting the j in jjosh

putting the j in jjosh


November 14th, 2008

this banner is from an event we went to last Saturday called "Underground" at the Eyebeam gallery…Eyebeam is always pretty amazing and this event had some great stuff (Boozbot again!), and some weak stuff, and one mindblowing moment…the best exhibit was called "6 Walls" and was 6 people dressed up as walls (hard to explain) who would move around, sometimes acting as a hall, letting people in, sometimes closing themselves off to be an enclosed room…

at one point one of the singers from the band playing (Judi Chicago, pretty darn great) was inside the walled off room with people dancing around and glitter being thrown in the air and and and — that was a pretty wild part of it…

the banner is me looking closely at one of the video artworks…the pix below are from Maxine’s amazing new camera of the 6 walls installation…look closely & you can see the people’s faces painted to match the wallpaper in the middle of the walls…

people milling around in the walls…

the guy in the green cape (natch!) is one of the singers/instrumentalists for Judi Chicago…so funny that there’s a couple checking out cell phone pix while the walls move around and this singer yells and howls right next to them…

chaos…dig the guy in the back on the right in the orange motorbike helmet…M & I were wearing our camping headlights turned onto the red setting…

sweet close-up…

here, get a 16 second taste of what it was like in the walls from someone’s yt cam record:

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