say hi to your mother from me, ok?
October 10th, 2008The last half hour of SNL is normally full of the dregs of sketch comedy. But sometimes it knocks one out of the park. I would never think that Sandberg could pull off a Marky Mark impression, but he nails it — the voice, the swagger, the seriousness — and then throws a bunch of absurdity on top to make it comedy gold.
The last half hour usually contains some of my favorite stuff due to a mix of the absolute weirdness they allow to populate the end of the show and my overwhelming exhaustion.
I haven’t had a chance to watch this yet but Wahlberg’s whiney response has me excited:
true exhaustion does play a part…dozing off and coming back in on a sketch (Sprockets) can certainly make it better…also, did MarkyM really ref Joe Pispcipo in that rant? Whatta maroon…
and now Marky Mark threates to bop Samberg on the beak:
wow, that’s so great…no sense of humor on Marky M, like a schoolyard bully…I bet a., Sandberg is laughing his ass off at getting so deep under MM’s skin…and b., they will poke even more fun at MM on this weekend’s show…