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putting the j in jjosh

putting the j in jjosh

americano gangstah

March 5th, 2008

 American Gangster – B

I just saw this again for the second time and I liked it a lot better this time. I think the first time I saw it I had just watched Crowe, Denzel and Ridley Scott on Charlie Rose and they were so freaking serious and full of themselves about how hard-core and amazing this film was. And then I saw the film and was like "ho hum, o.k." And yeah, it’s solidly done, entertaining from a cop/villain standpoint, fun to see how Denzel rises and Crowe brings him down. Not to mention the actor-of-the-moment Josh Brolin as an evil thug cop…

And a lot of the CRIME = CAPITALISM stuff was kind of hitting me over the head, and I wanted to scream "I get it!" when Denzel’s boss/father figure is telling him about cutting out the middle man, and so on. Denzel is badass as usual, but it came across a little like Scarface lite. And even Scarface wasn’t as good as it thought it was, you know?

But watching American Gangster the second time, I don’t know, it bothered me less. I got a lot out of the fact that this stuff is based on truth, and marveled at the way Denzel got the drugs into the US. And the capitalism = crime hit me a little more subtly, and the shots looked nicer. Although I’m still not sure I thought Crowe convinced me he was a shmo, and I’m not sure why Ruby Dee was nominated. It was more entertaining, and I was able to get some of the subtleties that I didn’t pick up on at first, the way Cuba Gooding presents so much presence even though he’s only in 2 or 3 scenes, the fact that it was Armand Assante as the bad Italian boss(!). I had more fun.

Maybe also it was watching it with someone else, instead of at 2 in the morning on my own. Not sure why, but this time it came off like Caffeine-free Scarface. Not bad really. 

2 Responses to “americano gangstah”

  1. comment number 1 by: odin's daddy

    NO, Scarface was as good as it thought it was, its just become cliched, like stairway to heaven

  2. comment number 2 by: jjosh

    maybe, though I bet if you watched it today some of it would be pretty boring…all the coke sniffing, the Michelle Pfeiffer stuff…come to think of it, maybe you’re right, maybe it’s all just kind of cliched…

    tho I can still listen to Stairway and enjoy it…

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