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putting the j in jjosh

putting the j in jjosh

a meteor is going to destroy the earth! we don’t like it!

September 19th, 2008

 Random thoughts from this morning:

– saw a chimney sweep truck on my way to the subway — is that good luck like it used to be in Mary Poppins-era London?

– right after that I saw nuns, which I immediately took as another indicator of good luck, I’m not sure why

– reading this David Foster Wallace piece from Harper’s about proper usage of English and grammar I’m reminded of a time when a bunch of us in High School were trying to explain to someone what an ambiguous pronoun was…we came up with this scenario in which the dinosaurs somehow knew that a meteor was coming to impact earth so they scratched this graffiti that said "A meteor is going to destroy earth! We don’t like it! and that scientists would puzzle throughout the millennia as to whether by "it" the dinosaurs meant the meteor or the earth…we were drunk when we came up with this and just howled at the whole scenario…

– another bit from the DFW piece talks about how language usage follows the norms of a particular community…he makes this point with an analogy, explaining that even though it might make perfect sense for men to be able to wear skirts (cooler, more comfortable, less likely to cause sterility, etc.) in Western culture it would be looked on as some kind of statement. Then right as I’m about to go into my building at work I see a guy in a leather utility kilt! I mean, this is New York, so sure, but it’s the first kilt I’ve seen in the city…I gave him a broad smile, a thumbs up and said "I like your style."

– been toying with some samples and trying to get the whole thing to coalesce and it’s not really happening, but I thought you might get a kick out of hearing a mashup rough draft. Sometimes it’s taking me a million iterations to get something to the point where it’s working, so I had this thought that charting the evolution of the track might be fun…at this point there’s some good interaction between samples, but the flow of the track is a mess…

samples used:

Beulah – Hello Resolven

Police – Voices In My Head

Jay Z – American Gangster



2 Responses to “a meteor is going to destroy the earth! we don’t like it!”

  1. comment number 1 by: Marc

    Just last week I turned part of Hello Resolven into my phone’s ringtone!

  2. comment number 2 by: jjosh

    I can totally feel that! There’s a part of that ringing out feedback that sounds like it would be perfect for a ringtone…synchronicity!

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