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putting the j in jjosh

putting the j in jjosh

Lightning Striking – 1967 San Francisco

October 12th, 2022

I’ve been reading Lightning Striking by Lenny Kaye (hat tip Alirio!), where each chapter goes deep into a specific music scene of the past. I was excited to find a spotify playlist that someone had made to go along with it, but it didn’t go deep enough. So when I was reading the San Francisco chapter, I had spotify open and when songs and bands were mentioned I would add them to a playlist. Then I listened through a bunch of times and cut things, changed order, etc. This is that playlist. I’m going to do one for each chapter. Some caveats:

– The song had to be something I was interested in hearing repeatedly

– Some of these were mentioned as influences, and are from an earlier (or later) time period

– Sometimes Kaye will be giving the history of a specific indie label, and mentioning bands and songs that came out on that label as they built up.

– Sometimes only the band name was mentioned, with no song title

– In that case I would listen to various tracks, and pick what spoke to me

Lightning Striking – 1967 San Francisco

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