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putting the j in jjosh

putting the j in jjosh

hi from Wales!

October 2nd, 2019

Just wanted to send out a big hello to Sue Hancock in Wales who might be checking in on the blog. In other news, I’ve been clicking on the antique blogroll on the side just to see which links are still working, and it’s somewhat interesting that a lot of them go to blogs that haven’t been updated since 2008, which is also right about when Facebook really took off. Was Twitter around then? Instagram? Let’s see…ok, looks like Twitter was 2006, so was still pretty early, and Instagram not until 2010.

I remember reading an article on Twitter relatively early on, in Wired I think, where the writer started off as very skeptical that he would connect with it. But by the end of the article, he’s waxing about how Twitter is a river and you basically just dip your toe in whenever you want. It never connected with me I gotta say, but I can see how people would be into it. Same with Insta — there was a long time where I was posting the pics from my phone to this blog (via the now-defunct pixelpipe) and feeling really good about it. But there’s something about that infinite scroll on Insta that does seem to mess with my head. I find myself looking through it without really meaning to, you know? Nothing new there, same thing we talk about with our friends, or read articles about.

Although, there’s been a slight difference recently as my 14 year-old daughter is now on Instagram, so it’s been fascinating to see her pictures (what is life like for a 14 year-old in Norway!!!) and her adopting the tropes of social media personas (“love my life”, etc). I wonder when the kids will discover this blog, if ever?

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