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putting the j in jjosh

putting the j in jjosh

the inner geek

July 26th, 2008

Having a great time net surfing on this lazy saturday afternoon, the Case mostly vanquished, Max and I having rocked it last night with a great film (Tell No One) and restaurant week dinner (Mercer Kitchen — snooty but delicious)…two sites in particular hit me well this afternoon:

1. NYT has a great audio/visual presentation about comic books, er, "graphic novels"…even though there’s nothing too earth-shattering in what these guys are talking about, it’s still really fun to hear the voices of Seth, Chris Ware, Chester Brown, et al, talking about their craft…

2. appealing to the inner geek in me, and making a case for a new type of visual story to be told: the website is down. You might need to be at least semi-familiar with things like an apache server to find it funny, or maybe not, maybe it works no matter what…I was gonna post it directly in here, but watching it on their site is pretty fun…

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