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putting the j in jjosh

putting the j in jjosh

pilgrims’ progress

July 3rd, 2008

Thanks to a suggestion found on Dan R’s movie blog, I recently caught the Herzog documentary, Wheel of Time. It was a spectacular experience, and there were many highlights and mind-boggling points contained within the film. From the known — the intricate sand manadala that is then destroyed — to the relatively unknown — giant cauldrons of tea being made to serve groups of monks — Herzog dives into the sequestered world of Tibetan Buddhism and shows it with a curiosity that is equal parts joy and wonder.

Some of my favorite parts of the film are when Herzog is interviewing the Dalai Lama…there’s a great bit where they’re cracking each other up that goes like this:

DALAI LAMA: There is the question of whether Mount Kilosh is the center of the universe. That I don’t know. (laughs) Each country believes that their country is the center of the whole universe. I think that’s very true. I think ultimately, we our own self, each individual, that is the center of the universe.

So for me, this place is the center of the universe because the concept of the whole universe comes from here (gestures towards himself). Therefore I’m the center of the universe. Similarly, in your case, you are the center of the whole universe.

HERZOG: Thank you, it makes me feel very good. I shouldn’t tell my wife.

Much of the film takes place at a large Buddhist gathering that happens every two years where the Dalai Lama initiates monks in some special ceremony that takes days to perform. Thousands and thousands of monks travel to get to this gathering, some coming from hundreds of miles away. This staggering clip gives you a sense of the devotion on display here…it is a big clip, but well worth the loading time…

This is the best doc I have seen in a long time. Highly recommended.

One Response to “pilgrims’ progress”

  1. comment number 1 by: dan

    you make me want to see this again. when i first saw it, i was a bit disappointed because i didn’t like it as much as the white diamond.

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