putting the j in jjosh » Blog Archive » couple of things

putting the j in jjosh

putting the j in jjosh

couple of things

February 6th, 2010


GIRLS: just because you’re drunk during the day doesn’t mean you get to be extra annoying.

GUYS: yes it does!!!

GIRL: where are we going anyway?

GIRL 2: we’re going to get my cake.

GUY: yeah, let’s go get Whitney’s cake!

GUY 2 (leering): let’s all eat Whitney’s cake tonight!!!

other guy hi fives him.

2. quote from article about Vermont:

America, ignoring the advice of its own horror movies, is entirely built upon the site of an old Indian graveyard and must take its ghosts and hauntings as they come.

2 Responses to “couple of things”

  1. comment number 1 by: crispin

    That's some serious shit up here in vermont.  in my neighborhood alone there are 3 graveyards visible above ground and who knows how many below.

  2. comment number 2 by: jjosh

    that’s poltergeist creepy. reminds me of being down in Savannah on the ghost tour when they talk about the pox hitting town and how the road we’re riding on is paved over stacks of bodies…chilling…

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