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putting the j in jjosh

Beatty on the set of Ishtar, talking with Dustin Hoffman

January 11th, 2010

from Vanity Fair:

Hoffman: “Let me ask you something else. Theoretically, is there any woman on the planet that you would not make love to? If you had the chance?”

“That’s an interesting question: Is there any woman on the planet”—Beatty paused and looked up at the sky—“that I wouldn’t make love to? Any woman at all?”

Hoffman continues: “He repeated the question, because he took it very seriously. This problem with the production was now on the back burner, and it was like he was on Charlie Rose.

“Yes, any woman,” said Hoffman.

“That I wouldn’t … ?” said Beatty. “No, there isn’t.”

“Theoretically, you would make love to any and every woman?”


“You’re serious.”




Hoffman: “He was thinking. He was searching for the right words. Finally he spoke.

"Because … you never know."

One Response to “Beatty on the set of Ishtar, talking with Dustin Hoffman”

  1. comment number 1 by: crispin

    i can dig it.

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