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putting the j in jjosh

putting the j in jjosh

where credit is due

November 22nd, 2009

There’s a bunch of brooha over this director ripping off ffffound images for his latest video (which frankly isn’t that great), but this video, which he made earlier, is solid. Good concept, gets better as it goes along. The song is ok I guess…I loved that Lenny Kravitz album when it came out…I was in college and Jeff C and I went to see Lenny in concert at GW in DC…he did "Let Love Rule" as the encore and when the song finished, the crowd just kept singing "let…love…rule…" over and over and Lenny walked out into the crowd…I touched his dreads at one point, it was weird…

still, strange move from Justice to remix it, right? Also major points off for disabling embedding in youtube. Losers. Forcing me to go over to his website, dl the QT, convert it to flash, etc. Why? Let people embed it for crying out loud…

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