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putting the j in jjosh

putting the j in jjosh


August 17th, 2009

This banner was taken at a site a couple of blocks from our house. Down by the Gowanus canal there’s this huge site that’s been bought by Whole Foods, and during the real estate boom/non-recession, it seemed like ther perfect place for a Whole Foods. But now the economy is bleak, and they’ve discovered that the ground there is so toxic from all the crap and sludge that pollutes the canal, that it’s gonna take a zillion dollars to get it all cleaned up.

Someone broke into the site and painted this massive command onto the remains of a wall. Pretty nice. I wonder if it was the same folks who did the "open your eyes"/"fuck wall st" that’s painted on the old factory across the street from it (and was joshgranger.com banner two months ago). I saw this and wanted a picture of it so bad that I broke in there myself to get it.

Fun facts about the Gowanus Canal:

– it featured in the film Half Nelson

– there is bacteria growing in there that is found nowhere else on earth (thanks KT!)

– when a whale accidentally swam up into the canal, that whale died

One Response to “bantha-r”

  1. comment number 1 by: art

    -the mayor actually wants to make a neo-Love Canal here by building affordable housing now and letting the EPA in for a Superfund Cleanup later.

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