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putting the j in jjosh

putting the j in jjosh

gin + friends + stealth beer

June 9th, 2009

 work is kicking my ass, but here’s a few things:

1. saw an ad for gin on my way to work this morning that said "she had never been so delighted by a cucumber"…can’t decide if I love this ad or hate it…

2. talking to my friend A on Sunday, and she drops this gem…

A: "Oh, you must meet this friend of mine, you guys are so similar I’m sure you’ll be great friends."

JJG: "That’s a tough thing to say to someone, it puts pressure on this meeting so when it does happen, there’s supposed to be something happening, and it sort of assumes that you’ll connect with people who are like you, and anyway, aren’t we all kind of unique?"

A: "That’s so funny, you know I told myself I shouldn’t even bring it up with you, because I told him the same thing, and that’s exactly what he said."

3. also, check this out…the ending is especially good…this may be my new go-to on the beach…

4 Responses to “gin + friends + stealth beer”

  1. comment number 1 by: odin's daddy

    1) Where was the ad? Low brow for sure but gutsy depending on where it was

    2) I couldn’t agree more with you about that conversation, but that response is classic and wild, keep us posted on how the meeting goes

    3) Concept and execution of stealth beer are flawless, good for playgrounds, driving, and church, but if you need to do that before you go to the beach, i recommend finding another beach.

  2. comment number 2 by: dana

    Stealth beer can? Why not just pour the beer in an empty (but washed) soda can?

  3. comment number 3 by: jjosh

    ok look, @odin’s daddy might have a point, but the Ries Beach (that’s only 25 mins from our place!!!) is a State Park and don’t allow beer…stealth beer can gives us an edge

    @dd, c’mon, you can’t get that can washed out enough really…diet coke leaves a chemical burn…plus you’re exposed to risk when transferring the beer, and then you’re gonna have to do that every time you wanna beer + it’s gonna foam all over…big hassle/mess…also wouldn’t you just feel cool with the stealth beer can? maybe it’s more for walking around town…

  4. comment number 4 by: Tracy

    Genius! I might just use stealth can at home to fool myself into thinking Im not a lush….

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