Hey, it's Friday, and you know, if you think it's something you might dig, you might wanna check out the download page for this Wu vs Beatles album called Enter the Magical Mystery Chambers…most of it is so-so, it uses a lot of covers of Beatles instead of the actual tracks (weak), and sometimes the tracks sound a little like they're fighting each other…
Watching this doc on David Lynch and it's disjointed and weird and funny and interesting and boring. Can't make it all the way through, still recovering from weekend, getting tired. Then this scene plays out, and I'm like I knew it, that's totally how I imagined Lynch coming up with some of that crazy shiz.
With Maxine gone all weekend I dove deep into the Classic Albums series which is amazing…they get into the master tapes of records and solo tracks and talk to the players and have them show how they did what they did and so on…
There's a great one on Jay Z's Reasonable Doubt, and for some reason when I saw this clip I thought I needed to post it…
There's something about how, even at this level, when Jay-Z's making his debut album, he still has such a creative sense of what it means to be legit that he respects the kid for being bold enough to order all the burgers, but teaches him a lesson, hey, if you order all those burgers, be damn sure I will make you eat them all. I just love it.
Lynch possesses an almost agoraphobic relationship with inanimate objects, capable of finding malice in everything. Indeed, Lynch once said that coffee went cold simply because you’ve ignored it, not for any scientific reason.
What the hell is up with all the birds in the neighborhood?! It’s freezing out and I put that bread down like a week ago!
Maybe they’re drunk?
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Sorry I meant crunk.
Wait, wasn’t that bread moldy?
A little.
Well that’s probably it, you know. Moldy bread makes you trip out.
You know this from experience?
No, everyone knows this. It’s called ergot. There’s that whole theory about the bible that Jesus’s miracles are really the result of everyone tripping out.
Yeah, that there had been this big drought for two years and the crops hadn’t come up so the whole region had to make bread from grain that they had been storing for two years. But they didn’t have any way of keeping the grain from going moldy, so it developed this ergot and then all the bread that they made would make people trip out. So when Jesus was walking on the water and turning water into wine and all that, it was really just ‘cuz people were tripping.
What about when he rose from the dead?
Just people tripping.
Crucifixion? Even if they were tripping, crucifixion pretty much kills you. Even if they were tripping, there’s no way to move that giant stone.
No you’re right. For that they would have to be on PCP. I wonder if there was some way to make PCP accidentally out of organic materials available two thousand years ago…
this guy had evidently added him as a friend, and sadly he accepted it, but literally stole all of this guy’s information, created a fake account, and was communicating with himself from the fake account. He was writing on his wall and posting back to the “other person’s” wall. We found out the guy actually had about fifteen fake accounts that he created, stealing other users’ pictures and information to create the accounts, and was actually communicating back and forth with himself. Just to try to make himself appear cool, I guess?
J: What do you think about that?
JG: Sounds pretty cool, I guess.
J: Yeah, the guy sounds alright.
JG: I hardly ever use my facebook account now. I don't really miss it either.
J: Yeah, me neither. Sometimes I would get that weird addicted-y feeling like I had to know what was going on with other people, even though they weren't people I cared one whit about.
JG: A whit, huh?
J: That's right, a single whit.
JG: Pretty wild the fact that they're tracking every single piece of information about their 200 million users, though, right? Every click, where the eyes go, keeping every shred of data…
J: Makes sense. There's probably novels of the future in there somewhere.
Damn, why is it Batman Jones has got to get there on a bike? Also he's going really fast…
Here's the video for the new Vampire Weekend single, which normally I wouldn't bother linking to, but it's pretty good. Simple and well executed…
This is pretty amazing. This is software I'm using, but this guy is doing a million things I've never heard of/thought of. Good inspiration, and also a bit daunting.
Hoffman: “Let me ask you something else. Theoretically, is there any woman on the planet that you would not make love to? If you had the chance?”
“That’s an interesting question: Is there any woman on the planet”—Beatty paused and looked up at the sky—“that I wouldn’t make love to? Any woman at all?”
Hoffman continues: “He repeated the question, because he took it very seriously. This problem with the production was now on the back burner, and it was like he was on Charlie Rose.”
“Yes, any woman,” said Hoffman.
“That I wouldn’t … ?” said Beatty. “No, there isn’t.”
“Theoretically, you would make love to any and every woman?”
“You’re serious.”
Hoffman: “He was thinking. He was searching for the right words. Finally he spoke.
I have no clue what this track is, only that I can't stop listening to it…the beat is so good, with the old strings and saxophones, the bass line is nice, and I love the guys rapping…at some point I'll look into to finding out who it is, but for now I like the not knowing…this is because I've recently learned how to record off of internet radio, which is pretty sweet…that's also why it has that classic old-mixtape thing at the end where you hear a little bit of the next song before it cuts out…
ahhh, mixtape memories…
lyrics I love in this track:
"her brother is an ex marine sleeping with a tek machine"
"when you check yes on the application to the felon question / got a better chance of finding work in nicaragua during a depression"