putting the j in jjosh » 2009 » December

putting the j in jjosh

putting the j in jjosh

Electro Organic Singles

December 18th, 2009

I made this the other night, and when I made it I wasn’t sure if it was working or not. But now I’ve spent a couple of days living with it, and listening to it over and over and I think it’s working well. It’s like a fever dream…what do you think?…maybe wait until tonight to listen to it if you can, youknowhatI’msayin?


wild beasts

December 17th, 2009

Wow…fluxtumblr just blew my mind with this…this is not the official video for this song, but a piece done by a dance troupe in Austin, TX. Beautifully well done, and really really well directed. If you aren’t in the mood for this kind of thing, well get in it and watch this. Full-screen if possible.

nerds (continue to) rule

December 16th, 2009

Hey wouldn’t that be a great name for a blog and then a book based on the blog? "nerds (continue to) rule", I love it. This could be the first post:

OK Go – WTF? from OK Go on Vimeo.


December 15th, 2009

unleash your animal head

December 15th, 2009

This song is kind of weak, but in this context it works less like a song unto itself and more like a soundtrack to this amazing video. Too creepy for a Monday, I’ve saved this one for Tuesday for you…thank me later…(sent from Malcolm, thanks!)


December 14th, 2009

This banner is from Hawaii, one of last days there when Maxine directed us to this beach and reef on the South side of Oahu…it was gorgeous…because it was a wildlife refuge, before you were allowed in they made you watch a video about not walking on the reef or feeding the animals…sure enough, while there we saw tons (!) of people walking on the reef and feeding the animals. It was nuts! WHAT’S WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?!?!?! Do they really just not get it? How much heavier can the message get than to have to watch a MANDATORY video. Infuriating.

Maxine took the above pic, as well as this random sampling of other shots below…

Probably the best thing we did on the whole trip was when we went to the island of Kauai…it was smaller than Oahu, we stayed in a B&B two blocks from the beach, in the town of Hanalei — which is mentioned in Puff the Magic Dragon! "…and frolicked in the autumn mist, of a land called Hanalei…" That’s where we took the helicopter trip that blew all of our minds. This is the coast of the island, featuring a perilous hiking trail.

This was a painter named Alex that Maxine befriended. We ended up buying a pen and ink drawing from him, he was pretty interesting. Kauai was full of interesting and friendly characters.

It was completely weird that it would be sunny and warm with a slight breeze and everyone would be going "Hey, it feels like Christmas!" There’d be all these Santas and Christmas decorations going up, and you’d be in shorts. It messed with my head. The weirdest thing by far was that they’ve kept all the snow assocations with Christmas, so you’d also see all these snowmen and polar bears and snowflakes, even though there’s not a hint of cold anywhere. This one cracked me up every time, with Santa dressed for cold and on a polar bear, but between two flaming tikki torches.

The first morning after we arrived in Kauai we were pretty jet-lagged and ended up waking up before the sunrise. Maxine and I walked down to the beach and the moon was huge and bright, setting on the horizon. Magnificent. Katie had been telling me about how on every vacation she likes to get a fake-perspective photo, even though it’s goofy. So Maxine took this one of me, and it kind of takes my breath away. One of my favorite shots of the whole vacation.

the unclothed man in the 35th century

December 11th, 2009

Wow, I love Dash Shaw’s comics work (have posted it here before), but these animations he’s done for IFC are supa fantastic…go to the ifc site to see the rest…surreal and great…


pape-ape-aper play-ane-anes

December 11th, 2009

it’s amazing that they just keep remixing this track…somehow it doesn’t get old to me…especially when it’s so thoroughly deconstructed…

aloha Hawaii see you next time

December 9th, 2009

let’s eat poi

December 8th, 2009

Hawaiian Korean BBQ

December 8th, 2009

hanauma bay

December 7th, 2009

same day as below, souh side of Oahu…calm and blue…

biggest surf in 40 years

December 7th, 2009

on the north side of Oahu…
why isn’t anyone surfing those waves?!

where we will dine

December 6th, 2009

jungle boogie

lei land

December 5th, 2009

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