putting the j in jjosh » 2009 » December

putting the j in jjosh

putting the j in jjosh

Times Square

December 31st, 2009

It seems appropriate to post this today when so many folks feel the need to go to Times Square…points to my sister for playing me a Matt and Kim track on the drive back to NYC the other day, these guys are pretty good…points to the video even though maybe the very end is weak(?)…points to the band for being damn sexy…happy New year’s Eve, people…


a granger christmas breakfast haiku

December 25th, 2009

muffins sit, waiting

the butter is ready now

eaten: a mem’ry.

Oscar begins the christmas relax

December 24th, 2009

on cooking

December 24th, 2009

I like this:

When you start to cook, as when you begin to live, you think that the point is to improve the technique until you end up with something perfect, and that the reason you haven’t been able to break the cycle of desire and disillusion is that you haven’t yet mastered the rules. Then you grow up, and you learn that that’s the game.

Rockefeller tree

December 22nd, 2009

a saga must end

December 21st, 2009

So after spending all day yesterday in the airport, we finally got on a plane. And after spending a while sitting on that plane, we finally took off. We waited hours and hours, just to fly for approx 1 hour flight time. We landed in Philly and it was a weird ghost town. The rest of the US Air flights to NYC were canceled, and after a showdown with a rep to try and get us on a Continental flight we finally admitted defeat, rented a car and spent the rest of the longest night of the year driving home.

Where we arrived late last night. Nice. Dropped the rental back at JFK today, and picked up our bags, which had made it to New York even though we couldn’t. When I saw those bags I was so amazed…

Well nature, it’s been fun, thanks for playing, we’ll see you next time…


hey look, we got on a plane to Philly!

December 20th, 2009

six hours in the airport and I swear I just saw Santa drive by

December 20th, 2009

blizzard 2009

December 20th, 2009

To be one of the teeming multitudes, to be part of a news story about
how many hundreds of people are stranded, to be some of those people.
it’s tiring. our flight from Chicago to jfk was canceled so they
switched us to connect in Charlotte NC and then when we got there last
night that flight was canceled too. we stood in lines, we ran to get
connections that weren’t there and we stayed on hold for an hour.

So we spent the night in Charlotte, at a Hyatt that was perfectly
pleasant. managed to get rooms and into bed for a decent night’s
sleep, even though today we all feel a bit fried, like we were up all
night partying.

Plus there are so many people here at the airport and we keep hearing
other stories that are far worse than ours:

– people who sat in their plane on the runway for 8 hours
– a guy who’s plane went out to take off, satthere for 2 hours, came
back to the gate, made eveyone get off, wait an hour, get back out,
back to runway, another 2 hours on the Tarmac then back to the gate
– a couple on their way back from jamacia (talk about re-entry blues)
who had to stand in line for 6 HOURS to get a ticket.

We were lucky enough to get in late last night and Maxine got a
sympathetic gate agent who went from telling us we’d be here until
Tuesday to getting us tickets for today to LGA. She printed the
boarding passes right there so we didn’t have to wait in the insane
and epic lines that greeted us when we pulled up to the airport this
morning. We were lucky to be in concourse D which didn’t even have too
bad a security line. Granted, at the moment Philly is still closed but
we can hope can’t we?!

Plus we had the mother of all perspective hits while in the security
line. an eldery Southern gentleman behind us was telling us that he
was having trouble standing for so long. Maxine told him to go ahead
and take abreak, sit down and we’d hold his place in line. he
appeciated it greatly and when he came back in line he told us a bit
about how he was diagnosed with throat cancer. He underwent chemo and
treatment for it, only to discover later he had been misdiagnosed. It
was actually a super rare fungus infection that he had contracted back
when he was a soldier in Vietnam. "Odds were one in 5 million…" he
told us.

Made being stuck in the airport seem like nothing.

when we got to the gate, there were cots all over the place, like
remnants of some battle that travellers had waged against the
storm…some people had it really rough…

the fellow in the cam shot below had built a sort of fort out of the
airport cots…he looked nervous, like peoeple were going to try and
take his land away…

I hope this flight happens…

the whole band

December 19th, 2009


December 18th, 2009

it only happens once a year.

December 18th, 2009

tongue it

December 18th, 2009

the bean

December 18th, 2009

chi town

December 18th, 2009

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