putting the j in jjosh » 2020 » April

putting the j in jjosh

putting the j in jjosh

Covid 2020 in Song

April 16th, 2020

So my neighbor upstairs Alirio put together a playlist as soon as it began to seem like we were heading for lockdown due to CV-19 here in NYC. I’ve been listening to it a lot, and it’s been making me feel better. It might make you feel better too! Check it out:

And then — because this is what we do — I wrote a report card for it. Alirio also (ver generously) said I could feel free to cut songs from it, so I cut a handful. But I only cut them if I felt strongly that they didn’t fit with the playlist goal of being CV-19 based. I’ve noted what and where those songs were in the playlist, feel free to argue with me if you think they should be put back in. I also added a couple tracks to the end of the playlist. Dig!

1. R.E.M. – End of the World As We Know It – A+

Not sure how I’m not sick of the song, but I’m not. It’s a damn strong start.

2. The Police – Don’t Stand So Close To Me – A+

Another one I’ve heard a million times but still hear with fresh ears every time. How??? It’s so fun to hear how everything comes together in this song. I never really noticed the synths that much, or how the drums have that rimshot in there. So cool.

3. Joy Division – Isolation –  A+

Amazing. I know Joy Division but never really sat down with the albums and got into them track by track. I really should I know. Everything they do sounds so good.

4. Mudhoney – Touch Me I’m Sick – A+

Grunge fuzz perfection. I remember hearing about this band in the first blush of Nirvana / Pearl Jam etc and then checking out the album and saying meh. But this track! Perfect.

5. The Smiths – Panic – A+

Perfect again. The children’s choir! Oh Morrissey. And Marr is just insane. And then you listen to what he’s doing and try to imagine Moz coming up with those melodies over the top of it. HOW??? And the lyrics. I also like the way this is kind of a different thought than the first cuts (although it goes with the R.E.M. track). Love it.

6. MC Hammer – U Can’t Touch This  – B+

I mean, I’m still *sort of* sick of this song, but then again, it’s still fun to listen to. He has skills, and the lyrics are fun. The sample is 100% fresh, and the production is good, v 90’s which makes it fun to listen to as well. It’s a good change-up from all the rock that came before.

7. Bee Gees – Stayin’ Alive – B

One time in high school me and 3 friends wore matching white Bee Gees suits (made by a friend’s mom) and did a dance routine to this song for a school assembly. Looking back, I kind of can’t believe I did it, but I definitely did. Thank god there were no phone cameras or social media back then. This song is a stone groove.

8. John Lennon – Isolation – A+


9. Police – Every Breath You Take – CUT

Well, for 1, you already got Don’t Stand So which is PERFECT, and 2, while I get the idea of breath playing into CV-19, the fact that it’s actually about a stalker somehow isn’t fitting for me? 3, I’m still so sick of this song from when they overplayed back in 83 or whatever. Isn’t that staggering??? I lived in the UK at the time, so maybe it was even more overplayed? My sister and I used to watch Top of the Pops every week, and every time they would play this damn song with its black and white video I would be like UGH.

10. Alice Cooper – School’s Out For Summer – CUT

Well, I guess the fact that my teacher friends are still teaching, and that it’s not really out for *Summer*, puts the kibosh on this one for me?

11. La Cumbia Del Coronavirus – B+


12. Elvis Costello – Waiting For The End of the World – A+

Another artist where I know a bunch of albums very well from when they were coming out (mid-period stuff from late 80’s/90’s) and then a bunch of classic ones from a friend who impressed them upon me in college (Trust, This Year’s Model, Armed Forces) but then there is so much more! I really do need to get into this first record though. THE NEWS.

13. Billie Eilish – no time To Die – C+

This song doesn’t really do it for me, but No Time To Die fits the mood, so I don’t feel like I can cut it in good conscience. Maybe it’ll grow on me?

14. The Specials – Ghost Town – A++

Perfection. We moved to England in ’81, and when we got there I somehow got my parents to buy a “Top Hits of 81” (or something like that) cassette that had this song on it. My sister and I LOVED it. It also had this weird novelty song, that now in retrospect is very Italian-cliche offensive, called “Shaddap You Face” on it, that we loved too.

15. Ramones – I wanna Be Sedated – A

YES. So many days I wake up wondering when it will be cocktail hour.

16. Billy Idol – Dancing With Myself – A

I love that this is credited to Generation X. Did Idol re-do it and re-release it? It’s such a damn good song. Still kicks. And fits perfectly, esp with all the millions of dance instagrams and so on that are going on now. That epic coda is such a good time, and the 50’s style slap-back on his vocal is killer. Plus the last pickup cuts are amazing.

17. Morrissey – Girlfriend in a Coma – CUT

Well, it’s pretty close, but since people aren’t really going into comas, and since Panic from earlier is PERFECT, this one gets the axe. It’s also the most hilarious mopey Moz, almost a cliche, right? Which wouldn’t make me cut it, except that it just doesn’t quite fit for me.

18. The Clash – Lost in the Supermarket – A

YES. This one is a stretch, but wow it weirdly really captures that feeling of being in the supermarket with only 20 only people and empty shelves. “I can no longer shop happily” indeed. Plus it’s a great great song, and for me, not one of the classic’s that I always go back to, so there’s still stuff in there for me to discover. That weird phaser guitar line on the verses? Never noticed that. The way the solo wanders through the stereo split?? Great shit.

19. Buzzcocks – Why Can’t I Touch It – A+

1000 TIMES YES. Weirdly I wasn’t that familiar with this song until a few years back when Spotify played it for me randomly and I was like WTF??? So amazing. And the sentiment is absolutely perfect. The stereo panning of the guitars. God I love that. Back in the days of mix *tapes*, the 6:36 run time would have given me pause, but in these days of the celestial jukebox (!!!!) it’s ideal! So why-y-y-y-y-y-y…

20. The Clash – Should I Stay or Should I Go – CUT

Well, I used to be pretty militant on mix tapes and CD’s that I would only put one song by any band on it. But a., I realize that not everyone follows this, and that’s cool, and b., I’m a big fan of playlists these days that have more than one track from a given band. And while I can see how this one fits because certainly tons of people are wondering whether to stay or go (esp in NYC), it’s so so played out, and, at its core, is kind of clearly about a relationship (whereas Dancing With Myself, for example, is a *little* more obscure about its subject? Maybe?). Overall though, I think I’m cutting b/c I just can’t deal with this song any more.

21. Beach Boys – In My Room – A+

Holy fuck, yes, exactly. And this one gets the weird bonus of the recontextualization adding a whole other layer to its meaning: he is so excited to retreat to his room, a place of safety (for dreaming and scheming), longing, wonder, etc — and this is the perfect thing to remember as we are stuck in our rooms. The melancholy also feels perfect. Plus TWO MINUTES FOURTEEN. Pop masterpiece.

22. Divynls – I Touch Myself – CUT

This song is still so hottt! So naked in its sex appeal for MTV, and yet…it totally works. But! I feel like there are lots of people locked down who are going at it like mad, and won’t be able to relate to the sentiment. I mean shit, most of us are stuck in here with our wives / fiancés, etc, so presumably (?????) we’re getting lucky every now and then.

23. Beatles – I Feel Fine – CUT

Interesting choice. Just last night I watched this pretty amazing video about getting Beatles tones from a studio that you would probably nerd out on as hard as I did (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dy0Rgz_Dt3o), so I’m super enjoying hearing it from that perspective. Oh, and also, it’s an amazing song. But I’m not sure how it fits? I like the positivity, and I love the idea of having positive feelings and thoughts in the playlist, but not sure how this one fits.

24. Warren Zevon – Splendid Isolation – B-

Don’t know this song, don’t know as much about Zevon as I should probably. Just the hits: Werewolves, Lawyers Guns and Money, and so on. This is fun. Fits perfectly. Live in the Upper East Side and never go down in the streets. The Michael Jackson line hits weirdly now in our modern times, but so what! Tinfoil on the windows! What a classic sort of rock song, that snare so prominent. The harmonica. I’m not in love with it, but I really like having a song that I don’t know, that I can get into.

25. Eric Carmen – All by Myself – CUT

‘Cause again, I feel like a lot of people are stuck with their kids and spouses and so on. Even though it’s really fun to hear this soft-rock classic and re-evaluate it. What an epic! As a kid I would always totally write it off as cheese-rock, but now I can really respect the structure and hooks. Great song. But just doesn’t fit.

26. The Jam – Going Underground – B+

It’s a stretch but I’ll buy it! Plus a friend on Monday was comparing this crisis to the Blitz in the UK in the 40’s, so this super fits that. Plus it’s so good. And 2:54 is ideal. The public wants what the public gets — ouch.

27. Stevie Nicks – Stand Back – B+

Don’t know this one either. Perfect title. Love that 80’s production sound. GATED DRUMS! The synth sequencers. Wait, I must have heard this before, right? It’s so crazy that Stevie was so rock in Fleetwood Mac and then went so synthed out in the 80’s (70’s?). I’ve def heard this. It’s great! And fits so so well. There are so many micro-stresses when going outside right now with people who aren’t doing the 6ft perimeter. C’mon people! Stand back, stand back.

28. Prince – Let’s Go Crazy – A

Yes, yes. A little more left-fiend in how it fits, but it fits. Even down to “when you call up that shrink in Beverly Hills”, because you have to CALL that shrink instead of stopping by. Plus, having a party vibe is very welcomed. And somehow this song is still fun to hear even after 1000 times. Probably because its Prince and he is the real deal. Those weird little instrumental breaks with the organ on top that do that syncopation are super fun. And the guitar shredding, forget it.

29. George Harrison – All Things Must Pass – A+

Perfection. Those horns! Would it be too corny to have this as the last song?????

30. Traveling Wilburys – End of the Line – CUT

I kinda get it, but it’s not working for me. Listening to the lyrics, they fit. Just my personal prejudice here, I can’t imagine listening to this song many times. The simplicity works for pop radio maybe, but something about it gets on my nerves.

31. Simon & Garfunkel – The Only Living Boy in New York – CUT

Yes, I get it, and it’s an amazing song. But that line about “fly down to Mexico” just feels so wrong in the current climate. “Got nothing to do but smile” is perfect though. Those backup vocals coming through with almost 100$ reverb (or however they’re doing it) are so so great. Ethereal but not spooky. And strong. “Half of the time we’re gone” doesn’t work, does it? Where are we going? And then back to the flying. Sorry S&G, it’s gotta go.

32. The Rubinoos – I Think We’re Alone Now – B

Is this the original? I don’t think I’ve ever heard it. It’s great. It kind of fits, weirdly! The strip-down bit for the heart beats is excellent. As well as being about a love thing, it sets a spooky, empty scene with “the beating of our hearts is the only sound”. Those Beach Boys harmonies at the end = yes. I’ll buy it!

33. Avril Lavigne – Contagious – B-

Not a song I would ever listen to, or consider. But hmm, its got something, doesn’t it. So contagious. Another one that I kind of like having here because it’s unfamiliar. And so unabashedly pop. the production is really of its time, isn’t it? What is that, 2006-ish? <looks it up> Ooh 2007! So close. I’m going to give myself that one as a win. Total Max Martin domination pop sound. Fun to listen to and doesn’t wear out its welcome.

34. Nick Cave – Cabin Fever! – A+++++

Don’t know this song either, but FUCK YES. Nick Cave is someone I need to go deeper on. I know those 90’s records, and I got into a “This is Nick Cave” playlist after I saw him at Barclays in 2018 (that show was KILLLLLLER). Also, the 6:13 length works *for* the song, as the claustrophobia just grows. Wow, so so good. It’s also capturing the *feeling* of Cabin Fever, even down to the “!” This is really really great.

35. Minutemen – Corona – A

And then following it up with a 2:26 slice of California strange off center punk is perfect as well. “The people will survive”! Are you serious!!! That lyric is amazing. I tried to get into the Minutemen and Black Flag in High School and just couldn’t do it for whatever reason. But I have since gotten well into Black Flag, and this makes me think I should revisit the Minutemen too. And there aren’t many records right? this is great.

36. Warren Zevon – Keep Me in Your Heart – CUT

A plaintive plea, and “running out of breath” is solid. Is this a Dylan cover? I don’t quite get the direct connection to our current CV lifestyle, but maybe there’s something I’m missing? Let me know. Otherwise, even though it’s pretty, it’s gotta go. “Doing simple things around the house” = yes.

37. Gloria Gaynor – I Will Survive – B

I mean, yes, it’s an unbelievable song. And it fits perfectly, esp at the end. And hey, at least it’s remastered so I can groove on the production details. But needless to say, I’m sick of this (amazing) track. But it’s PERFECT. Can’t cut it or disparage it, really. And it’s super fun to listen to the production. Those little echoes on her voice. The way the strings are a little out of sync. The sequenced synths. Whoa, that SAX. Ugh. At least it’s short. That is just something we don’t do on songs any more, isn’t it? Oh god, it comes back at the end. And the re-mastering has made it even shinier if that’s possible. So brittle. On the plus side, her voice is stellar. Makes the song transcend. Wow, it ends on a fade out? Like it could just keep going and going and going???


38. Peggy Lee – Fever

I mean, how can we not.

39. Lou Reed – Martial Law

It’s a stretch maybe? But it somehow feels right. And it hits the “lock” part of the lockdown, you know? Which we don’t have a lot of in there.