putting the j in jjosh » 2009 » December

putting the j in jjosh

putting the j in jjosh

poipu beach

December 5th, 2009

the wettest place on earth

December 4th, 2009

also they filmed a bunch of jurassic park here…

heli yes!

December 4th, 2009

the gun

December 2nd, 2009

for part of our hawaiian trip we are staying with katie’s friend Kaialani, and we spent some time with her parents, Kawilla and Mikey. they are such nice, gentle, generous people…it’s a good vibe hanging out with them.

Kawilla tells a story about when Mikey proposed. he asked her to marry him and she said yes. he was overjoyed, but she said he would have to ask her father for his blessing. this was daunting. her father was a huge man, half german and half Hawaiian.

Mikey went in to tell him and he smiled and beckoned Mikey to follow him into his study. there he asked Mikey to sit down, and went over to his cabinet and took out his shoutgun. he sat down.

“you can marry my daughter,” he said, “and if you hurt her, this is the gun I’ll shoot you with. do you want to hold it?”

“no thanks,” Mikey said.

I like this story a lot, it would be a great bit in a film. I love the idea of a man who’s half German and half Hawaiian, I just picture this enormous character with a beard and a blue shirt.

maxines arrival

December 2nd, 2009

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