putting the j in jjosh » 2008 » November

putting the j in jjosh

putting the j in jjosh

the black president of 1977

November 7th, 2008

I’m stoked for OB and excited for a black president, but wow I totally forgot we had a black president in 1977…thank goodness for the reminder that is youtube…

some of it still seems so relevant…some hopelessly (thankfully) dated…

season 6

November 6th, 2008

Another version (sorta) of Tom Waits’s "Way Down in the Hole", this time by Blaqstarr and M.I.A….this would work perfectly for the season 6 open of The Wire (sigh)…almost makes me want to do one of those crazy time-consuming fan-edits of the previous seasons to make a fake, fan-fic style season 6 episode…almost…


November 5th, 2008

ringmaster & buddha

welcome our robotic mambo overlords

November 5th, 2008

another in a long line of internet things that astound me, that make me say "Is this happening in the same world in which I live?"

the 6-legged, goateed, fedora-wearing, Lou Vega-dancing robot:

I love the commenter on yt who says "I, for one, welcome our Lou Bega-headed, robotic Overlords."


casting it

November 4th, 2008

At its best, voting is a surreal experience. In New York, even more so. Everyone in the enormous lines chatting to each other, everyone seeming to know each other, asking about the other’s kids, husband, soccer team. The huge old metal voting machines with the giant red levers at the bottom and complicated instructions (complicated if you don’t see some of them). The physical turning of a knob to make an "x" appear.

The buzz around this election is buzzier than ever, and from getting up at 5:50am, getting in line in the dark and hearing everyone chatter, I felt a legitimate head-rush as I stepped into the booth. Voting felt so good!

I wonder where the phrase "cast a vote" comes from? I did some googling but couldn’t find anything. Why "cast"? What is being thrown? What physically was cast to get this phrrase? Something as simple as a piece of paper in a hat? But that doesn’t really seem like casting… 

time to vote

November 4th, 2008

6am line to vote, around the block wow

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