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putting the j in jjosh

putting the j in jjosh

the election of the future

October 24th, 2008

in the future, elections will be decided like this:

the surprise challenger really brings it to a new level…

pipe wrench fight

October 8th, 2008

This made me laugh out loud a bunch of times…re-linked from Fluxtumblr…as he says, "this is wonderful". Stick it out through the intro where not much is happening, and then enjoy Take On Me (Literal Video Version)…

kung fu election

October 3rd, 2008

Sure, last night’s debate was fine, but I was hoping it would be more like this:

Brought to you by Kung Fu Election, which will eat up your Friday ‘cuz it’s so darn fun…mentioned on metafilter…as they say there, "in the future, all elections will be decided like this"…

the Washington Mall reflecting pool of blood is a particularly nice touch; also the evil voice at the end that whispers menacingly who wins…

collecting stray vids

September 23rd, 2008

First, MDvto sent me this great Quincy theme tune…

Then, while hunting for that basketball vid from below, I checked the history of this browser and searched keyword "youtube." There were a bunch of interesting vids that never made it to the blog…here they are, random and youtubey. Individually they didn’t seem to warrant a post, but collectively, it’s some pretty good stuff…

Driving on Salvia

Ninja Cat

Stunning Organ Recital

Rap Battle

Editor Explains Editing a Crappy movie, pt 1

Editor Explains Editing a Crappy movie, pt 2

Hi-Fructose Corn Syrup Association makes HFCS Promo

Bill Maher Nose Broken Accidentally by Erik Estrada in 90’s Game Show

(jump to 2:50 in so you don’t have to watch all that game show)

Kevin Smith Berates a Geek at a Comic Convention

Soulja Boy Reviews An Esoteric Video Game

Noel Gallagher Rambles About How Much He Loves The Smiths

Fantastic EMC Rap Video "Leak It Out"

hardest mario ever

September 11th, 2008

 I saw this a while back and I’m not sure why I didn’t post it. It’s a run through of the fabled "Hardest Super Mario Ever", some mod of Super mArio Bros that is sadomasochistic and crazy tough. The video is 23 minutes long, but the dialogue of the guy trying to make it is so worthwhile…even those of us who haven’t played Mario in forever can dig the frustration and glorious profanity…

it’s just growls. there’s no words.

September 4th, 2008

This youtube fan vid gets so many things right. I really really liked TDK — lots of issues of modern powerlessness, terrorism, comic book good vs evil, etc. — but The Voice was way too over the top.


Raisin Brahms

August 28th, 2008

angry alien

August 27th, 2008

The other day ML at work hipped me to the great angryalien site, which contains many many films that have been cut to 30 seconds, animated and had all the actors replaced with bunnies. Needless to say, it is great. Star Wars is really well done, the bleeped version of Reservoir Dogs is particularly fantastic, but the Shining is just classic.

time for a food party

August 25th, 2008

Today is a good day for a party. But in this case, I’m talking about a food party.

It’s so weird how in the beginning, she sings about picking donuts "for you and for me", but then in the next shot, she says she got the donuts for her and her alone! Wha? It makes me want one of those donuts. 

via the blog of Wiley Wiggins! Yes, Mitch Kramer has a blog!

get yr war on

August 18th, 2008

As with all of the hallucinogenic swirl that is the internets, I have no clue if this stuff is super-popular or totally under the radar. Either way, you should check it out. Nice animation, politically motivated, and kind of absurd. Sign me up.

so funny…there’s more of them over here

muppets = gangsta

July 30th, 2008

I’m amazed at how maleable the muppets seem to be when it comes to remix culture…and how great they are. I think it’s really a testament to the imaginative power of the muppets and how purely creative and fantastic they are…

This vid makes me talk like I’m talking about Wu-Tang…where once I might say "that Rza verse is really good, but Ghostface just nails it!", now I say Ernie’s really good, but when Bert comes in, he totally kills it! Nice one Bert.

eric crapton

July 29th, 2008

From the "shreds" series, the first one I saw and the mad classic, Eric Clapton shreds. Post title from some old college-time site we went to that was full of ukelele stuff and how the author loved Eric Crapton (??? can this be right? I can’t remember…Sam Uz, do you remember?)…

this clip made me cry tears of laughter when I first saw it, and it is still amazing…part of the Spiritualized show from Sunday was a bit jazz noodley and it reminded me of this…

find more shreds vids at stsanders.com, though I’m telling you, this Clapton one is the best…

ummm, Old Greg

July 24th, 2008

Well played, Battle for the Earth, you successfully posted something that made me feel as though I’ve been drinking nothing but Pimm’s for 2 days straight. This is weird and wild. I’m posting it here because people need to see this. Good luck, everyone.


on with the dance!

July 9th, 2008

With 4.5 million youtube views since it was posted on June 20th, a New York Times piece, and links on every link blog, it’s possible that Matt Harding’s dance vid needs no help from me to get itself passed around the internet…

And yet, like the NYT says:

However you interpret it, you can’t watch “Dancing” for very long without feeling a little happier.

In case you’ve missed this slice of happiness, here it is.

chronotopic anamorphosis

July 7th, 2008

This is on vimeo, via kottke…the effect is pleasing on the eyes, though a bit difficult to describe to people…the maker of the video describes it like this:

The image is digitally manipulated by fragmenting it into horizontal lines and then combining lines from different frames in the display. The result is a distorsion of the figures caused by their motion in time, or, as Brazilian researcher Arlindo Machado calls it: chronotopic anamorphosis.

It’s not long, doesn’t have any audio, and totally worth it for the door trick at the end…

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