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putting the j in jjosh

putting the j in jjosh


January 14th, 2010

from this giant interview with an anonymous facebook employee that's making the rounds:

this guy had evidently added him as a friend, and sadly he accepted it, but literally stole all of this guy’s information, created a fake account, and was communicating with himself from the fake account. He was writing on his wall and posting back to the “other person’s” wall. We found out the guy actually had about fifteen fake accounts that he created, stealing other users’ pictures and information to create the accounts, and was actually communicating back and forth with himself. Just to try to make himself appear cool, I guess?

J: What do you think about that?

JG: Sounds pretty cool, I guess.

J: Yeah, the guy sounds alright.

JG: I hardly ever use my facebook account now. I don't really miss it either.

J: Yeah, me neither. Sometimes I would get that weird addicted-y feeling like I had to know what was going on with other people, even though they weren't people I cared one whit about.

JG: A whit, huh?

J: That's right, a single whit.

JG: Pretty wild the fact that they're tracking every single piece of information about their 200 million users, though, right? Every click, where the eyes go, keeping every shred of data…

J: Makes sense. There's probably novels of the future in there somewhere.

JG: Totally. Have you read kfan's wanna start a blog one-acts?

J: Genius.

random 3

January 12th, 2010

Here's an info-dump of things I've been surfing…

Damn, why is it Batman Jones has got to get there on a bike? Also he's going really fast…

Here's the video for the new Vampire Weekend single, which normally I wouldn't bother linking to, but it's pretty good. Simple and well executed…

This is pretty amazing. This is software I'm using, but this guy is doing a million things I've never heard of/thought of. Good inspiration, and also a bit daunting.

real world = virtual world

October 22nd, 2009

Yeah, people are out there thinking about this stuff…I love how the ideas just keep on coming…one clever idea after another…

I’m the Juggernaut, bitch

October 7th, 2009

Apparently I should have seen this ages ago, but I haven’t. I will never get tired of this kind of stuff…

fresh beatz

August 13th, 2009

This is awesome and gorgeous and psychedelic and retro and modern at the same time. I vote yes.

omg so awesome I swear

July 30th, 2009

I think this is how short stories will read in the future…the characters are so strong, the dialogue so real, the conflict moves forward so dramatically…is this for real omg? it just gets better and better…

reblogged from kfan who got it from the source, new perspective on shit

April:: yo, i’m kinda into this busta rhymes “respect my conglomerate” joint.
April:: hahahaha
Millie:: i haven’t heard it but that is seriously the BEST NAME FOR A SONG EVER
April:: IT IS!!
April:: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q__J-CAWFoM
April:: i don’t know who invited TYRESE, though
April:: i’m seriously into this
April:: busta rhymes rarely gets it wrong
Millie:: his sick ass beats are surely consistent FOR REAL
Millie:: best beats ever
April:: seriously
Millie:: by the way, i’m serious when i say i FEEL lil’ wayne
Millie:: don’t ask me to explain
Millie:: but i totally love him
April:: “you can’t handle the truth.”
Millie:: like i have this weird feeling we’d be BEST FRIENDS if i knew him in real life
Millie:: i have NO idea why i feel that
April:: that dude is FOREVER STONED
April:: EVERY SINGLE video interview i write text for, dude is UP IN SMOKE
April:: he’s like pigpen, but with weed smoke instead of dirt line
Millie:: hahahah a rapper into weed? THAT’S WEIRD
April:: i’m just saying, he’s ABOVE AND BEYOND
April:: like SNOOP is like, “dude, chill”
Millie:: when they konk his head cartoon style, instead of stars it’s pot leaves
Millie:: i have no idea why i think we’d be best friends
April:: he seems nice enough
Millie:: HAHAHAHAHAHA “he seems nice enough”
Millie:: “he seems nice”
April:: “he seems like a decent fellow”
April:: he EXCELS at loving weed though

click here for the rest, it’s worth it

loved him like a brand

July 15th, 2009

I have to say, I’m tired tired tired of all the MW boring tribute crap…

That said, I love Jay Smooth, and he uses MW’s death as a platform to meditate on camera awareness, brand management and what filmed images will mean to the future…and he does it really well…be sure to stick around for the end to see the woman dancing bit…

short and oh so sweet

July 13th, 2009

Hey, we love Pes, right? The bombing thing with the peanut, the mini rubix-cube mayhem, the chairs having sex…

I like this one a lot…it’s short, but somewhere in the middle of it you find yourself kind of forgetting that he’s skating on a guy — it begins to seem weirdly normal…or normally weird…

we’re off to party island!

June 1st, 2009

This is nice. While watching, I kept forgetting exactly what I was watching, getting caught up in the action, which is a testament to its storytelling I think. I may have to make a category just for "stop motion" because it seems like there’s so much of it out there these days…

Dan & naD

June 1st, 2009

 I keep thinking about it.

Premier dj battle de l’histoire

May 28th, 2009


May 27th, 2009

Ze Frank is famous on the internet. And he’s damn funny. And I love that he’s not trying to be all up in movies or tv or whatever, he just rocks the internet. Here, check this out, he will rock you.

HardTime :: Illusion from ze frank on Vimeo.

very thin ice, very thin ice.

May 18th, 2009

I don’t know why I kept resisting this whenever I’d see links to it, but I finally succumbed, and it’s a hoot. If you haven’t seen it, you should.

Katie Couric is amazing.

random Thursday

May 14th, 2009

here’s some random stuff…

lots of people apprently have seen this, but I never did…it’s good, I love the whole ytmnd thing…

my dad gave me a great geeked-out book on language and linguistics for Christmas…it’s like the most amazing, uh, bathroom reading…you come out of there with stuff like "Hey Maxine, did you know that of languages with no relation to other languages, Korean is the most isolated?" Lately I’ve been reading about what the author calls "garden path" sentences. These are sentences that seem to go one way but then suddenly force you to change direction due to the syntax. For some reason they really tickle my brain. This is my favorite, chew on it a while:

The old man the boats.

Also I came across this the other day and I just watched it over and over and over until I was in a pleasurable trance…something about that flip is so appealing:

ps they accepted our offer on the house in Williamsburg (Brooklyn)! we’re all jacked up and getting readt for months of paperwork and follow-through…you’re all invited to our house-warming, we’ll let you know when…


May 8th, 2009

I’m such a sucker for this kind of stuff…

I love that they bleeped them, so B&E still seem sort of nice…I love how well the mouth movements are synced up…I love the nods and looks they give each other…it’s great…


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