putting the j in jjosh » music

putting the j in jjosh

putting the j in jjosh

hand jive

September 20th, 2010


like kids

September 16th, 2010

but without the, you know, kids…

gentle and lovely

September 15th, 2010

I'm looking forward to picking up this album by Solar Bears when it comes out on Sept 20…they've made a gentle and lovely video for the title track…the video is really well done, and suits the music perfectly…use this to take the edge off your ADD/case/Wednesday…

internet overload

September 13th, 2010

wow, try to stick it out, there are rewards to be had in this thing…one man's collection of animated gif's, set to the obsessive radio dial switch mash-up style of Girl Talk (which is normally a bit much for me, but seems perfect here)…

Cache Rules Everything Around Me from Evan Roth on Vimeo.

8 bit white boy hip hop

September 9th, 2010

is my new favorite genre. Ok, you could say that this is a little too insider-y for NYC, but there's still something great about it.

loop it flute it

August 24th, 2010

I love this…when that rock flute shows up at the end I was like "wha?"

[from SFJ]

l l l let’s play drums!

August 21st, 2010

This track is really cooking and then this drum solo happens that makes you go "wha — ?"

Turf it

August 17th, 2010

Nice work kidz, keep making crazy dances up and doing them and blowing people's minds and they don't really understand you but they can't argue with your movez. Keep it up. Apparently this is called turf dancing… [from kottke]

ever since the 80’s I think something’s in my tylenol

August 15th, 2010

so I downloaded that most recent mixtape from the Hood Internet…and it's pretty blah, which is how I feel about most of their stuff…I dunno, maybe the tracks are better if you know all the sample sources, but that's never stopped me before…

but this one track, damn I can't stop playing it over and over! for some reason Maxine hates the dolphin-like synth sounds, which I love, so I can't really play it out loud in the house, but I'm listening to it over and over on the headphones…so many great lyrics…"training all my zeros to perform like a figure 8"…

hood internet – dark pink goo (Aesop Rock feat. Rob Sonic x Tobacco)


realx and let your mind float Friday

August 6th, 2010

Wow, this is epic…I think I got this from Vince? it's a lot to take in, but also very relaxing…nice…

mad beatz

July 30th, 2010

got this from JeffH and it is a good time. as one commenter says on the vid's page: "my day was going mediocre until I saw this."

Bhangra in the East Village from Derek Beres on Vimeo.


July 28th, 2010

This is great and then at 2:00 in it gets really really great. I loved Caribou's last album, looks like I'll have to check this one out too…

CARIBOU – Sun from Caribou on Vimeo.

it’s Frrrrrrriiiiddaaaayyyyyy NNNNNNiiitttteeeeee!!!!!

July 16th, 2010

They Are From Perth

July 15th, 2010

I mean sure, it sounds like Cream, but it is also awesome. Bonus for great video.

chik chik chik

July 7th, 2010

This is the new one from !!!, which they claim should be pronounced as any three sounds in a row, chik chik chik or boom boom boom or whatever…

I saw these guys play in DC once in this tiny art space on Eye St downtown and they tore the roof off, it was amazing. This song has a stone groove that just doesn't stop, kind of like most of their other tracks…the video is helpful and mindbending…

They play Williamsburg Waterfont on Aug 15, if you're in town, you wanna go? It's free!

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