putting the j in jjosh » Blog Archive » haunting

putting the j in jjosh

putting the j in jjosh


May 7th, 2010


[from dvblog]

2 Responses to “haunting”

  1. comment number 1 by: KT Granger

    A) That's weird.
    B) Can you believe that Mackenzie Astin gets credited before Jo?  That's just bullshit.

  2. comment number 2 by: jjosh

    I agree on both counts, though I think somehow it's special for Nancy McKean to show up as Jo at the end, because it has that "and…" before her credit which usually implies that that person is somehow special…

    but I thought the same thing when I watching it, if you can believe it…I was like "this is crazy, when's Jo gonna show up?!"

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