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putting the j in jjosh

putting the j in jjosh

not at the opera/heat seking missiles

April 9th, 2009

While I was in the middle of my eye troubles, my parents were coming into town to take everyone to see an opera at The Met. My mom had booked tickets like last summer or something(!) and even though Max and I aren’t that into the opera, it seemed like something that would be good for us, so we agreed to go. The time came, and I was out of the picture due to my eye. So my parents were in town, and one Saturday night they met up with Maxine, my sister and some friends of theirs for dinner at a little French place and then the opera. By this point I had been in our living room for coming on 3 weeks, and was kind of going nuts. It was depressing me further that everyone else was going out and having this good time, and I was stuck at home. I decided to watch a movie.

Maxine had seen Revoultionary Road a few weeks ago and said it was good, so I figured I’d give it a shot. But damn. I was already depressed, and this thing was like a monster of a downer…I don’t want to give anything away, but let’s just say it’s pretty clear from the beginning that things aren’t going to go well. I couldn’t take it, had to stop it about halfway through, I was so down, it was a killer. Seeing a film about hopelessness was a bad bad idea. I needed something else. And then, like a ray of sunshine from the heavens, came Pineapple Express.

Now this wasn’t a perfect film by any means, the violence was kind of weird (everything really seemed like it really hurt, which is odd in a comedy), and the Mad Magazine style hijinks didn’t fully mesh with the filmmaking style. It wasn’t even the best dope film I’ve seen in recent memory (that award has to go to Happy Face). But damn was it funny! Maybe I was just in the right place where I really needed a pick-me-up, but I was laughing out loud, and having to play parts over again. It was a damn good time. This was one of my favorite bits, some of the dialogue seems so familiar. They’re in the forest trying to make sure there’s no way they can be traced to a roach Seth Rogan threw out the window…

It’s a really smart comedy idea to take that kind of stoned banter and put it in the context of a chase-y action-y film…


One Response to “not at the opera/heat seking missiles”

  1. comment number 1 by: dr. kanner

    i think the genius of this film is found in the random movie quotes and homage. like the epic fight in the mcbrides home when he quotes “gladiator”…what we do in life echos in eternity… it’s so outta place it’s amazing

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