putting the j in jjosh » Blog Archive » squarks

putting the j in jjosh

putting the j in jjosh


September 16th, 2008

Good NYT article on why we should even care about the LHC…

My favorite bits:

"For every known species of particle (electrons, quarks, neutrinos, etc.), supersymmetry implies the existence of a partner species (called, with physicists’ inimitable linguistic flair, selectrons, squarks, sneutrinos, etc.) that to date has never been observed."

"Many researchers suspect that dark matter is composed of sparticles."

"Should the Large Hadron Collider have the power necessary to reveal extra dimensions of space — to overturn our belief that length, width and height are all there is — that would rank as one of the greatest upheavals in our understanding of the universe."

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