putting the j in jjosh » Blog Archive » it’s gonna change yer life

putting the j in jjosh

putting the j in jjosh

it’s gonna change yer life

July 16th, 2009

I know we’ve all seen lots of these infomercials, and laughed ironically at them. At one point when I was working on Weddings of a Lifetime I ended up working with a bunch of guys who made an infomercial that i loved (something about a microwave reflector that allowed things to stay crispy in the microwave) and those guys knew they were making something that college kids would geek out over when stoned late at night.

Still, for some reason I find this mesmerizing.

8 Responses to “it’s gonna change yer life”

  1. comment number 1 by: jay ess

    @ :55 did he just say “you’re gonna love my nuts”?

  2. comment number 2 by: tom

    you ever see the remix: Rap Chop?

  3. comment number 3 by: jay ess

    yeah, it’s friggin sweet. i couldn’t stop laughing at that one. i love it when the granny is the laughing!

  4. comment number 4 by: slapchop cummin atcha!

    […] know, i’m an idiot. but i just love this shit. thanks josh granger for introducing me to the […]

  5. comment number 5 by: Gamera

    so many favorite parts:
    “one slap – salad!”
    the fake shine on the mango
    “linguini, fettucini, martini, bikini”
    the twirling “free” over the graty with the wobbly sound effect

  6. comment number 6 by: KT Granger

    Screw that guy! I don’t have a slap chop, but I’m plenty interesting and eat tons of salad thank you very much…but I don’t want to cry anymore…so maybe I do need the slap chop…

  7. comment number 7 by: Farro Tongu

    A., it’s gonna make your life more exciting

    B., you won’t cry anymore

    C., it will make America skinny

  8. comment number 8 by: jjosh

    so many classic moments, I agree with fake shine glint – amazing. I didn’t even know it was the same guy who did the Shamwow until Farro Tongu showed me on utube. This one’s better somehow though, I can’t put my finger on quite why. Some grad student should do a dissertation on it.

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